SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALESEvery year, a kind of whale called Southern Right Whale, is hosted for breeding by Peninsula Valdes. That´s a reason for such a feeling of happiness in every people living in Puerto Pirámides and Golfo Nuevo.
SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALES in PatagoniaThe whales begins to arrive to our coast around middle May, day by day the number of whales increase until raise the top in September. The process keep going along October and November when we can see much more whales with different behaviours : the females with their calf, skinnier than when arrived; the females wich had not have calf are "harassed" by large groups of males, conforming one of the most uncommon group mating of the nature.

SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALES in PatagoniaBy the first week of December the Southern Right Whale starts to leave Peninsula Valdes, they go to the Southern Hemisphere. During the last years we had been seen whales until the first week of January, but throught long navigations reaching the entrance of the Golfo Nuevo.
