Our garden %100 irrigated with recycled water

One of the characteristics that distinguish del Nómade, in Peninsula Valdes, is the maximum advantage of the resources to minimize our impact within the area.
The water from showers, after being dealt with ozone destroying germs eliminating the scent, is kept in a cistern for its reusability for irrigation and toilets.

This simple process makes posible to us to have lawn and plants in our small garden and we do not waste potable water for the unloadings of toilete. Being this our first spring, we are surprised, happy and satisfied with this little achivement.
Irrigating our garden with re used water was a decision took at the time of the hotel construction. We had to independize the grey water circuit (showers, sinks and laundry machine) from the black water ( from toilets, and kitchen sinks)

Since the hotel is working, we are able to save between 2.500 and 4.500 liters of water per day, depending always of how many guest are in. The result is to have a mini garden, at the same time we are helping to alleviate the sewage network of Puerto Piramides.
