Whales Argentina and tail of a whale in each Whale Watching

Lately, we are living uncommon whale watching days. Luckily we could use pictures to communicate, without many words, the experiences we want to convey.

The adventure and nature photographer Alejandro Avampini, owner of the Eco Hotel and creator of this blog passed these images to help frame this story. All this day, in all their trips,the catamaran Pinino VII Whales Argentina had the pleasure to find one of the many whales that are in the bay of Puerto Piramides, making an exhibition of his tail throughout the day.

One of the causes that generate this position known as Tailing, being with the tail out of water. Experts say that they do it as prepartum work. With the help of gravity, this position will accommodate for the birth, the baby of 5 meters and several tons, that it's in the womb. Therefore, will be born in coming days.
The mother can hold this position more than 10 minutes,and then returns to its horizontal position,to take a breath, renew its air and show again its tail, amazing design of nature.
