Whale Watching Tours - Description and options

Whale Watching Tours - Description and optionsPatagonia Argentina, offers one of the best places in the world for whale watching. From June to December. The whale watching can be shipped or from the shore due to its proximity to whales. Here we describe the boat tours.
Whale Watching Tours - Description and optionsYou go out from our Eco Lodge and 250 meters is the port to embark. You can choose from 6 different whale watching´s companies.
Some offer Semi-Rigids tours or other catamaran and small cruises. All over 50 up to 75 passengers. Whales are really close to the coast almost all season.

Whale Watching Tours - Description and optionsThe duration of the trip is 1 ½ hours and can extend up to 2 hours. The behavior of the whales are very friendly. They often approach the boat. They pull their tails and jump. Mothers stroll with their calf, while others are in groups of whales mating.

Whale Watching Tours - Description and optionsPuerto Piramides is the only port in Argentina that offers Whale Watching tours, and is the only village inside Valdes Peninsula, where no more than 500 people live and who have the incredible honour of being in "the middle of nowhere". Beaches, animales and amazing sunsets area common in this piece of a Human Heritage.
